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 HELP US to FINALLY bring       Basso & Caprara to JUSTICE      

Raymond Basso

Alfonso Caprara.jpeg

Alfonso Caprara

Lawyers Turned Criminals

Raymond Basso is not just any lawyer. Despite his legal credentials, he has turned to a life of crime, deceiving and manipulating those who trusted him. His actions have caused immeasurable harm, especially to those most vulnerable.

Alfonso Caprara is Basso's partner in crime. Together, they have created a network of deceit and theft, each supporting the other's criminal activities and profiting from their collaboration.

Aiding and Abetting Basso's Crimes. Caprara plays a crucial role in enabling Basso's crimes. His involvement makes him equally culpable, and he must also be brought to justice for his part in this nefarious scheme.


Deception and Manipulation - Basso's deceitful tactics are designed to exploit and manipulate. He has perfected the art of gaining trust only to shatter it, leaving his victims in financial ruin and emotional distress.

Join us in the fight for justice and make a difference by standing with us to bring Raymond Basso and Alfonso Caprara to justice. Every voice matters.

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