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Catch A Criminal

Stay Focused

2 min read

Jun 14




Exposing Raymond Basso: The Lawyer Who Preys on the Vulnerable

Welcome to our dedicated platform,, where we shine a light on the dark underbelly of a man who, under the guise of practicing law, has committed unspeakable acts of deception, manipulation, and theft. Meet Raymond Basso – a criminal who hides behind his legal credentials to prey on the vulnerable, particularly people of color, and those who are most in need of protection and justice.

The Man Behind the Mask

Raymond Basso is not your average lawyer. While most in his profession strive to uphold justice, Basso has chosen a path of corruption and exploitation. Over the years, he has stolen millions of dollars from his clients, betraying the very people who trusted him to act in their best interests. His partner in crime, Alfonso Caprara, has aided him in these nefarious activities, creating a duo that operates with shocking impunity.

The Tragic Tale of Amos

One of the most heart-wrenching stories is that of Amos, a victim of Basso's deceit. Amos turned to Basso for help in recovering lost assets. Instead of acting honorably, Basso recovered the assets only to keep them for himself and his family, leaving Amos devastated and financially ruined. This tragic story is not an isolated incident but a pattern of behavior that Basso has perfected over the years.

Basso's Boastful Arrogance

Adding salt to the wounds of his victims, Basso boasts about his power and untouchability. He has been known to taunt his black clients, questioning who would believe them against him, a lawyer with "powerful friends in his pocket." This arrogance and the implied threat of retribution make it even harder for his victims to come forward and seek justice.

Our Mission

Our mission is clear: we aim to expose Raymond Basso and Alfonso Caprara for the criminals they are and ensure they are prosecuted for their actions. We cannot let them continue to manipulate and destroy lives under the protection of their legal titles.

How You Can Help

We need your support to bring these criminals to justice. Here’s how you can help:

Visit our Website: Learn more about the crimes of Raymond Basso and Alfonso Caprara at


Share Our Story:** Spread the word by sharing this blog post and our videos on social media.

Demand Action:** Join us in calling for a thorough investigation and immediate prosecution of Basso and Caprara.

**Join the Fight for Justice**

Every voice counts in the fight for justice. Together, we can ensure that Raymond Basso and Alfonso Caprara are held accountable for their actions and prevent them from harming others. Your support can make a difference in the lives of those who have been wronged and help restore faith in a justice system that should protect, not prey on, the vulnerable.

Thank you for standing with us in this crucial battle.

Stay Focused

2 min read

Jun 14




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Comments (1)

Jun 17

Basso Has been stealing from clients for way to long. PRISON TIME

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